# Tohban Notes 2020-08-04 2020-07-24 - 2020-07-26 Moderate-Strong storm, Kyoto Dst min -75 nT at 0200 UT on 07/25 AL ~-1000 nT between 1600 and 1800 UT on 07/24 AL ~< -1000 nT between 0030 and 0100 UT on 07/25 Good coverage by both EL-A and B EL-A: North Ascending 07/24 North Descending 07/25-26 EL-B: North Ascending 07/24 South Descending 07/25-26 2020-08-02 - 2020-08-04 Moderate storm, Kyoto Dst min -62 nT at ~1000 UT on 08/03 Sawtooth AL oscillations between 1100 and 1800 UT on 08/02